Friday, August 29, 2014

"Run a Ragnar Relay," they said. "It will be fun," they said.

Flash Back Friday: Ragnar 2014, West Virginia Appalachians! It rained and poured constantly. But it was amazing.

Campsite. Something wicked this way comes, I believe was the original caption of this photo.

Sleep? The question mark was appropriately placed.

Me and high school friend, Adam. I hold him responsible for making me into a Ragnar Junkie.

After a downpour. you can see the mud churned up.

You can see the trail churned up here, too. This is the beginning of the trail right out of the transition tent.

Our campsite during a downpour.

Campsite after the downpour. It stayed like this the rest of the time we were there.

Team mates! Best team ever! We had such a great time! We had to hold down our canopy after we watch several tumble down the road beside us in the storm. We also had to relieve the canopy of the water it was holding by pushing up on it from underneath. Adam, TWICE, did this while I happen to be walking underneath the border of the canopy to get underneath it. I was wet the ENTIRE time. So was everyone else, though. Good times.

And all for the medal! It's a great medal!

Back to the present :) Bought new shoes today. You can see an image of them on my instagram! Yep, I got an instagram. I've never cared to have one before because. . . I guess just because I don't live my life on the Internet. But it makes uploading things to the twitter (@MelRunTheWorld) a lot easier. It is a lot easier to keep followers up to date on the latest training, products, etc. My instagram is also MelRunTheWorld.

Anywho, I got Under Armour Speedform. They are amazing! I wanted something designed for forefoot strike and this was pretty much the only one available. 90% of shoes are made for heal striking. I'm telling you, forefoot striking is the best way to go. Since I have switched I haven't run a single mile below 10:30. (I still have to stop and walk sometimes on my long runs. . . so that messes up my time a little bit. But when I am actually running I've been averaging 9 minute miles. It's the way to go.

So I got these shoes today. And to break them in I did a ten mile run tonight. It took me two hours, but at least the shoes are ready to train in. My ONLY complaint about them is that there is NO arch support. But the thing I LOVE LOVE LOVE about them is that they make leaning forward feel natural instead of forced. I love them. But the arch support is going to be an issue since I have flat feet. So I need to figure out what to do about that pronto! 

Today's run was great. It felt natural and it felt effortless. I didn't feel totally worn out at ten miles, but I feared blisters since the shoes were new. So I called ten miles good enough for one day. Plus my husband wanted to go to a football game tonight, so I couldn't stay out all night. he eve came home early so I could do my run! Marathon training is truly a family affair.

The run. . .  After 1.5 miles I felt a pull in the arch of my foot. I pulled off to the very inner lane of the track to slow down. I starting crying because I felt defeated. But then I had the thought that since I was doing my long run tonight I didn't technically have to run again till Monday. I had planned to do a tempo run with my husband as my pace setter tomorrow, but I don't absolutely have to. So I decided to keep knowing knowing I could take the weekend to recover. I took a moment and stretched it out. I cried out of frustration and pain again. But then I got to running and didn't even feel it anymore. I didn't feel it again until mile 8. And even then it wasn't severe pain. It was just a dull little pull feeling. Kind of cramp like. Nothing I couldn't run through. So I finished and then went home to eat bananas and read bedtime stories to my kids. I got a little emotional when I got home too because I had really decided to just call it a day after I felt that pain. And then I ran another 8.5 miles after I had decided that! I felt like I conquered! Mind over matter! I did it! And I feel great. 

Now it's time for some lounging, drinking kool aid and catching up on True Blood :) I should clean up my house from the fun fay I had with my daughter (who hasn't started school yet). But lying on the couch is going to win this time around.

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