Thursday, August 14, 2014


Just updates today. Ran 6.2 exactly last night. The footstep into my back yard toward my back door made it exactly 6.2. I'm taking today off because my monthly friend has come to visit and I am quite a profuse bleeder, unfortunately. I need to figure out what to do, though, because in two weeks I step up my training even more to only one rest day a week (Sunday) and I can't count on my visitor coming on Sunday :) No biggy, though. Today was a just maintenance distance run (5 miles). Tomorrow is a tempo run, which will be my first at marathon pace. I'm a little nervous but trying not to psyche myself out. But for now, it's time to relax and have a movie night with my babies as I write to you from the blanket fort in the living room.

I signed up my husband and I for the Disneyland half marathon. I sent him out to run two nights ago. He came back after 5 miles and said, "Sooooooturns out I'm not ready for a half. Or even a 10k. . . ." He then took a shower and passed out on the bed! :) I'll be signing up my kids and both garren and I for the 5k this Friday.The picture below was form our last Disneyland race. My sister made everyone race shirts. We got the Mickey silhouettes with our names in Disney font from Miss Morgan Designs, a fellow etsy seller. I do have to add that I have lost a ton of weight since this picture was taken. :) Look for more pictures from our Disneyland race next time.

As for my struggles this week, I have new updates on those. I've been getting better about the runners diet. In the evenings I look through the Runners World Cookbook and just get some ideas in my head for the next day. Then, when it is meal time, I am not just grabbing what's readily available. I've made spinach and egg fritata, peanut butter oatmeal, and several other enjoyable meals. I'm getting the hang of it.

I'm hoping to bring my kids with me tomorrow to the track. When I run at the gym I always try to have them run at least a half mile of it with me. At the track by our house there is a sand pit for the long jump. They like to play there while I do my drills. Tomorrow will be a tempo run and I hope they'll run a bit with me.

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