Monday, August 11, 2014

Joining a team!

I've decided to step it up. I have inquired with the Roanoke Elite Athletes team to see what is required to join!

I have set a limit for myself requiring myself to be able to run 8 minute miles before I start investing in this. Today I ran one mile at 9:48, then the mile after that was 9:18 and I ran them comfortably! I could have kept going but it started raining and all the possums and racoons came out. . .  I'm not gonna mess around with them. . . . I set this goal for myself because it is very possible that with my joint disorder it may be physically impossible for me to do faster miles. So I need to first see if it is physically possible before I spend money to get better at it. Tomorrow my goal is to run a 10 k in 58 minutes. I get better and better each day! It's amazing!

Current Long Term Goal:
1) Qualify for Boston and/or NYC marathons

Current OUTRAGEOUS long term goal:
1) Qualify for Olympic National Trial (hey, shoot for the moon, right?)

Current short term goal:
1) Run a 10K in 58 minutes
2) Master the forefoot strike
3) Figure out this runners diet!
4) Find a nutritionist

Current Struggles:
1) Runners diet while also managing Hypoglycemia and extremely low blood pressure
2) left foot giving me a little grief. Twingy.

1) Psoas muscle doesn't feel weak anymore. I didn't even think about on today's run at all.
2) Miles feeling super comfortable below ten minutes.
3) Ran a quarter mile at a six minute per mile pace. . .  then wanted to die. . . . but still triumphant in my book!

Here's to ending a good training day! Hopefully tomorrow I'll be a little better about the diet. . .  Today I was washing 1 cup of blueberries for a snack and thought a brownie was a good snack to munch on while washing my blueberries. :) Discipline, Melissa. Discipline!

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