Friday, August 15, 2014

Flash Back Friday!

Flash Back Friday! Race day memories.

For whatever reason, today I was thinking about race day for the Dublin half. My mom and I were stretching and getting ready to leave the apartment. My dad said, "Shall I run out and get you guys some raw meat to eat for breakfast?"

One of my favorite memories. Dad is always so supportive of my mom and I running :)

So, today was kind of a bummer day. My uterus just wasn't going to have any of it. Ran a mile 11:10 and started bleeding profusely! It was terrible. I did quite a few drills in (jumps, lunges, etc) but not very much running. I took my kids to the park and did my drills while they played. Then they played in the long jump sand box when we went over to the track for me to run my whole ONE MILE! woo hoo! Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to do my long run (15 miles). I am going to go to my doctor. my endometriosis is getting to be pretty wicked. After each of my kids was born they scraped all of the tissue out with a shovel type thing since they were in there anyway. but now that it's been four years, I think it's all built back up again. it's pretty freaking awful Spent all day in bed and on the couch, then took three motrin. When that kicked in we went outside to play at the park and the track. Now I want to go back to bed again. . .  Garren is out doing his run, so it's the perfect time to go to bed!! ;) Garren is really taking it seriously. I'm glad. I signed up for that half and thought he'd have the same attitude about it as he does everything else: "This year I'm going to floss my teeth more!" "I'm going to come home from work earlier." "I'm going to ride my bike to work." Yah. . . .  but he said, "I'm going to start running to get ready for this half. And HE IS! I'm very happy for him. I think he will like the results and I hope it helps with his stress.

Anyway, I'm going to go cry myself to sleep. My kids half two birthday parties back to back tomorrow and I think that's when I'll do my long run. Crossing my fingers my uterus cooperates. I've got to figure out how to train while dealing with feminine issues. Ugh!

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