Sunday, October 1, 2023

Flashback Friday—Elton John Concert

 Yes, I know it’s Sunday. 

Close to this time last year. . . I believe it was November 11th, we decided last minute—very last minute—to go to the Elton John concert! Josh came home from school that day and said his friend were going to “John Elton” concert. I said, “WHAT? Elton John!?” I asked him if he wanted to go. Then we looked up tickets thinking surely nothing would be available three hours before showtime. But we found seats. . . In the very back row! Ha! We had a student renting our guest room at the time—Kate— and she wanted to come too. She had never been to a concert before. 

We got ready and went a little early so we could go eat dinner first. But oddly enough, we couldn’t find anywhere to eat dinner! So we went into the venue, which was Chase Field, and got something inside. 

The show was amazing! It was Elton John’s last tour. And for good reason. he seemed to be struggling toward the end of the show. He did three costume changes and each time he walked back to the piano it looked a little more challenging for him to get there. But he was still an amazing performer and the show was inspiring. He had screens in the background that displayed images of things that reflected the songs he was singing. Some had people dancing in them and the people were representative of all genders, orientations, etc. Very inclusive. 

It was a great experience to share with my kids. Before we went I talked to my kids about how Elton John was a great symbol and leader for minority groups being a gay man and having come out as a gay man when it still was not very accepted. I talked to my kids about how we could be friends and “allies” of minority groups. I told them we don’t have to be loud and noisy about it like some people are. We can be clear without causing offense or pushing people away. How are we supposed to encourage others to listen to our points of view if we are yelling or making people uncomfortable? So I taught them ways to be allies to minority groups in a way that might encourage discussion and conversation. We each wore something with a rainbow on it to show we were allies. I wore Miriam’s rainbow earrings. 

It was fun to go a concert with my kids. I hope I can again soon. Guns and Roses is coming next month, but I’m not sure they’re ready for that ;) Maybe I’ll go with my brother, Neal. 

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