Thursday, April 13, 2023

Flashback Friday- Cibecue Falls

 Yes, I realize it isn’t Friday. I worked four nights last week, which is absolutely crazy. I really shouldn’t have done that. I still feel like I am catching up.

So, had I written this last week when I planned to, it would have been exactly 1 year since we hiked cibecue falls together as a family.

We had been wanting to hike cibecue for a while, but it’s down at the bottom of Salt River Canyon and it’s on the reservation. So it was going to be a drive, plus it was going to cots a lot for permits. We went thinking it was $30 a person. It turned out to be $45 per person. I was convinced the Sinclair gas station where I wanted to buy the permits was jjjjjjust after the canyon. But it wasn’t. Garren wanted me to buy the permits in Mesa, but I was just convinced it would only add another 20 minutes to our drive. Well, I was wrong and it total probably added an hour to our trip. I was going to leave that part out, but figured I may as well make this an accurate account of the day.

Sure enough, when we pulled into the area at the bottom of the canyon we were pulled over for a permit check. Then we made a. long drive down a scary road that felt like it was only wide enough for one car: steep mountain on one side and steep cliff on the other. Somehow, when a car was coming in the other direction we seemed to both squeeze by just fine without plummeting to our deaths. We made it to the water which is where we had to leave our car and continue on foot. None of us brought water appropriate shoes: #regrets. The hike was about 2-3 hours to the waterfall. It was a zigzag through water and up and down steep hills. Sugar was still new to us. We brought her along. This was when we learned that she is a dramatic cry baby. She had fun and wanted to be with us, but she’s squeal a lot at dumb things. It was silly. The hike down was good, but Miriam wanted to hike in flip flops! Like Garren! So her shoes kept falling off in the water. Garren would sit back and say, “well, guess you’ll have to continue in bare feet.” So I had to go in the water after her shoes every time. Then she was grumpy because her ears kept popping. 

The falls were gorgeous. We had a little picnic there at the bottom. People were jumping off the falls. I wanted to, but the water was too cold for me. I didn’t want to hike back 2 hours in freezing cold clothes and shoes. There were other people there with their dogs. This is when we learned that while Sugar is very sweet, she is also very vocal. And that echoed of the canyon. So everyone loved us and was super glad we were there.

The hike back was great because the sun was setting and all the shadows from the canyon were gorgeous. And it was nice to not have the sun right on us. I think we got back in the early evening. So it definitely took the entire day. Josh really enjoyed that hike and says he’d do it again. I told him it’s a rich person’s hike and we’ll have to save up to do that one again. I would like to do it again sometime. Five stars. 

Grumpy Miriam because her ears were popping.

Happy Joshua :)

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