Monday, February 6, 2023

Monday February 6th, 2023

 My skills practicum is today. My practicum partner is Haydee Hilario. She is also in the ASN-MSN program at GCU. We will be performing the vitals and head to toe assessment. Last week we practiced during lab time and I got flustered with all the “talk like a nurse” vocabulary. I took her temperature and when it was 98.6 degrees I said “Good job!” *face-palm* Then instead of saying “Lung sounds are clear bilaterally” I said, “Everything appears to be working.” Ha! This weekend I practiced on my family. When I got to the lower extremities on Joshua I accidentally said, “Lower extremities are present” instead of “lower extremities are symmetrical” So who knows how this will go today! I get such bad performance anxiety! Everything leaves my brain and its as if it was never there! Here are some wonderful shots Miriam got of me practicing (in my pajamas) and everyone supporting me *enthusiastically*. ;)

The bathroom remodel was really the only other excitement for the week. The shower and tub were removed. Frank, our tile guy, is coming today to jackhammer the foundation. Here’s where we’re at. 

The reason we’re doing this. . . .

Before +Sophie-cat

Shower and tub removed

Shower and tube removed. 

Prepping for my first nursing school exam. I’m not really sure what to expect. I am probably over preparing. Or studying all the wrong things. Who knows. We’ll find out on Thursday. It’s my last week of my first master’s class. I’ll be glad to get this over with. Lots of paper writing. Luckily my bachelor’s degree is in English and I can write papers with my eyes closed and one hand tied behind my back. but it’s still another thing on the to do list. 

Well, off to my practicum. I am wearing Miriam’s Ramen Noodle socks to hopefully give my partner a little chuckle when she lifts my pant legs to ‘palpate the calves.’ hee hee. 

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