Monday, February 20, 2023

Monday February 20, 2023

 We were all sick last week, so it’s a little bit fuzzy to try to recall everything. . .  Still overcoming the plague today. Good thing we got the day off for President’s Day. 

Last week was difficult, as I expected. We learned about pain control and opioids. I realized I was very uncomfortable when I found myself talking a lot and commenting a lot. The teacher mentioned the show “Dope Sick” on Hulu and asked if anyone had seen it. I was the only one, so she asked me to tell the class what it was about. It is a show that I feel is very important for people to see. But I will not be able to watch it again. I thought about watching it again now that I’ve learned more about it. But I just don’t think I can. Makes me sick to think my family was a victim of all that crap. I hate it. 

Moving on. . . Miriam got braces on Monday! This is was our before braces selfie. It was dark and she was literally running out of the car so didn’t have time to take a non-fuzzy one. 

And here is her after selfie. Silly girl.

Tuesday I spent the day studying in bed and resting because I caught the plague! Joshua stayed home from school as well. 

Wednesday I went to school masked because I was sick. We began practicing for our med pass practicum. I was checking in on Josh who stayed home again and sent him this selfie. I told him I was going to practice the injection part of med pass on him ;)

Thursday I was still sick, but have to go to school. Didn’t get much out of the lecture because of brain fog. But I am trying to make up for it today. My grades are pretty good right now, so I’m trying not to stress too much. Still feeling ill today so trying to take it easy. Here are my current grades!

Thursday night I worked. I rode my bike for the first time in a long time since I have been recovering from a piriformis muscle injury. It felt great to ride my bike again! It felt weak, but it didn’t ache, so I know I’m on the upswing! Work was great. I have a lot of people there rooting for me! The nurses in the ICU are wonderful. They are always very helpful and are natural teachers. They find a way to teach me or correct me in a way that is helpful and beneficial. I didn’t feel that way when I was working on med-surg. I hope to stay in our ICU at Mt Vista after I graduate. I’m hoping i just go from monitor tech right into orientation for nurse after I pass the NCLEX. I just love my ICU family at Mt Vista. They’re the best!

The pictures below are of our bathroom remodel progress. Things are coming along! That window is going to be gorgeous! I can’t wait! He’s actually here right now installing it as I write this. 

I was too sick to go to Miriam’s swim meet on Saturday. So Garren took her. But then she got sick and didn’t get to perform! So they came home early. Miriam is on the couch right now bundled up in a blanket on the heating pad trying to rest and recover quickly because she’s missed too many days of school this year and has to go back tomorrow.

While Garren and Miriam were in Tucson on Saturday morning Joshua and I went to the Hangar Cafe at the Chandler airport. Joshua doesn’t express emotion a lot, but I could tell he liked it because he was smiling the whole time and even giggling a little bit (He wants to be a pilot). I looked over at him reading the menu and he was smiling even then. Had a smile on his face the whole time!

And finally, here is yet another picture of Sugar thinking she is a lap dog. She is a good dog. She’s a little scary looking and sounding, but she is a good girl. She got out Friday morning while our bathroom remodel guy was here and she just hung out in the drive way. One of the neighbor kids brought her back. I was asleep because I had worked the night before. Joshua was home as he didn’t have school that day so he came down when the neighbor boy brought sugar in the house. Silly Sugar. 

This upcoming week I have my med-pass practicum. I’m a little worried about it. There are a lot of steps and it’s difficult to practice because I won’t know which meds I have until I go into the practicum. Then I just have lecture on Thursday. should be an “easy” week, meaning not too heavy with content. So I am going to take this opportunity to prepare for my second exam next week. Our grading system is 92-100=A, 84-91=B, etc. So I know I’m going to need every point possible to keep my A. And I am determined to finish Block 1 with an A. 

I finished my first masters class with an A! Can’t remember if I mentioned that. 98.23% to be exact :)

Now moving on to the integumentary system! 

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