Monday, March 6, 2023

Monday, March 6, 2023

 I am entering the last week of labs for Block 1. Next week is Spring Break, then after that we do clinical at a long term care facility instead of doing labs. 

Monday of last week, work continued on our shower remodel, so I had to leave Sugar outside all day. She did this:

And seems pretty darn proud of it. It’s like a teenager’s bedroom! Silly dog. I meant to take a picture of it all nice and orderly, but honestly, it still looks like that. Just haven’t had the time.
(I found this picture later—added a week later).

Here is where we are at currently with the bathroom remodel:
Here is what is looks like with the fixtures installed.

 It’s going to be gorgeous!

Wednesday I started preparing for my last practicum of Block 1: Catheter Insertion! That Practicum will be this Wednesday.

Thursday we took our second exam and no one did well (except one person). I got an 84%, which I wasn’t happy with because I went into it feeling super prepared and like I was going to get a 100%. So I’ve been kind of bummed about that all weekend. Wednesday night we got snow and this is what it looked like on the Superstition Mountains on Thursday morning:

Thursday night I went to work. During Covid they made all our rooms in the ICU isolation rooms with negative pressure units installed. A few weeks ago they came through and took our all the negative pressure machines. Then they lifted the mask mandates (except when in direct patient contact). It is nice to know we are at that point, but it also feels strange. I still feel like I live with the horror of it all. It’s strange because as we move on you kind of wonder, “Did all that really happen?” It felt so unreal when it was happening. So, sometimes I go into the rooms and look at the remaining evidence to remind myself that the pain I still suffer was for something that really happened. This is a pic I took of a window in our ICU. They all still have tape on them from when the Covid signs hung warning people outside that there wa Covid inside. 

Miriam’s 13th birthday was yesterday. We started celebrating on Friday. We went on a shopping spree. She said since she wasn’t a little girl anymore she didn’t want any clothes from Target. :/ I took her to the Chandler mall. We brought my mom along since her birthday was Friday 3/3. Miriam got embroidered flares, which I guess is a thing now. She also got a few new shirts, a pair of shoes and a new little backpack. 

On Saturday she went to swim. When she was done with Synchro she took a chance on the high dive!

Then we went to the musical instrument museum. My pregnancy with Miriam was very challenging because of my EDS. I often listened to “Here Comes The Sun” by the Beatles. I listened to it on the way to the hospital the day she was born. It had also snowed recently and was beginning to melt. So the song felt appropriate in many ways. The musical instrument museum had a music box that plays that song so I had to buy it!

Then Sunday we celebrated with her dinner and dessert choice: meatball sandwiches and donuts. And more gifts! Garren and Josh got her filament for her 3D printer and I got her pink Doc Martens.

I hope Miriam will always know how special she is to me. I think of the appointment I went to after I found out I was pregnant with her and they told me she certainly had EDS and that I should abort her because I should think about her quality of life. I was so upset I walked out and told them to not charge me for this ridiculous appointment. I’m glad she’s here and glad she’s a part of our family. 

And just for fun, here we have, again, Sugar thinking she’s a lap dog. :)

Miriam and Garren were trying to play spoons. Sugar couldn’t handle not being the center of attention.

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